Local Outreach

BCC Food Shelf

Here at Bridgewood we have a small food shelf for those in need.  Contact us if you, or someone you know, is in need of assistance.

Aids Hospice Ministry

We cook dinner the first Tuesday of the month for four residents and one caregiver at a house designated for HIV patients. It used to be a hospice house for AIDS patients but has become more assisted living. People with HIV and AIDS are often shunned by family and friends. We want to show them unconditional love. 

Cenntenial Community Food Shelf

Stock and clean the food shelf, register clients, and fill food bags. 

Nett Lake Reservation

Pastor Steve Yatckoske and his wife, Alice, serve Nett Lake Baptist Church. Nett Lake is a reservation community, with a population of just over 350 people, on the Bois Forte Reservation in northern Minnesota, about 45 miles south of the Canadian border.
They desire to see lives changed through teaching God’s word, loving people and engaging the community. Reaching out to the community with God’s love in a culturally appropriate way will be the church’s focus as they have people grow closer to God.

Door of Hope Ministries

Partnering with God to redeem lives and restore families affected by trauma and abuse. Through God's power, Door of Hope equips people all over the world to live free from abuse and trauma through safe housing, educational conferences, support groups, trauma recovery counseling and prayer ministry.

Faith Partner: Sunrise Elementary School

We have joined with other churches in the community to be a faith partner with Sunrise Elementary. There are many opportunities to volunteer in the school. Let us know if you are interested!

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